October 10 – Crisp Decisions

October 10 – Crisp Decisions

Proverbs 21:23 - "Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble."

In a kitchen, a sharp knife is a chef's ally. With it, he can make precise cuts, ensuring ingredients are prepared perfectly for their intended purpose. The precision of a sharp knife can make the difference between a dish's success and failure.

Our words and reactions are like that knife. With self-control, we can sharpen our decision-making, ensuring that what we say and how we react is precise, timely, and appropriate. Instead of blunt, hasty reactions that can cause harm or misunderstanding, we can choose to offer crisp, considered responses that promote understanding and peace.

The wisdom of the Proverb underscores the power of our words. By guarding our speech, we can avoid many of life's pitfalls and misunderstandings.

Reflection Questions:  

  1. Can you recall a time when your words were more like a blunt instrument than a sharp knife?
  2. How can you cultivate the self-control necessary to make "crisp decisions" in your interactions?

Morning Prayer:  

Heavenly Father, help me guard my words and reactions. Sharpen my decision-making so that I may reflect Your wisdom and grace in all I say and do. Amen.

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