Lamentations 3:22-23* - "The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
The aroma of freshly brewed coffee is enough to awaken our senses and get us started for the day. Similarly, the realization that God's mercies are new and abundant every morning can awaken our spirits, filling us with hope and anticipation. No matter what the previous day held, God's grace is freshly brewed for us as the sun rises, reminding us of His undying love and faithfulness.
Every morning, as we start our day, we have an opportunity to take a moment to savor God's blessings, just as we would a fresh cup of coffee. This daily ritual of recognizing and savoring God's mercies can set the tone for our entire day, keeping us grounded in His love and filling us with gratitude.
Reflection Questions
1. How do you acknowledge and embrace God's fresh mercies each morning?
2. What routines can you establish to start your day with a mindset of gratitude?
Morning Prayer
Lord, as I embrace a new day, let me taste the freshly brewed blessings of Your love and mercy. May my heart always find joy in Your enduring faithfulness. Amen.