December 21st: Zesting with Zeal

December 21st: Zesting with Zeal

Titus 2:13-14 - “while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ,  who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.”

In the culinary world, a hint of zest can transform a dish. Likewise, in our walk with Christ, it's vital to invigorate our lives with zealous anticipation of His return. This anticipation isn't merely passive waiting; it’s an active preparation, embracing the redemption and purification Christ offers.

Our Savior, Jesus Christ, redeemed us from wickedness, purifying us for His glory. This purification instills in us an eagerness to do good deeds, reflecting His love. By understanding and accepting this truth, we not only wait but actively prepare ourselves, reminiscent of adding zest to uplift a dish.

Jesus promises a return, a glorious reunion for those who believe in Him. This blessed hope gives our lives purpose and direction and should drive us to be a beacon of His love to others. As the world sees our eager anticipation, it might spark curiosity and provide opportunities to share the Gospel.

This zeal, this zest, should never wane. It should intensify as we see the day approaching. Our lives should reflect the passion, love, and commitment Christ demonstrated through His sacrifice on the cross. Today, may we embody that zest, living with fervent hope and passionate zeal for the Lord.

Reflection Questions  

1. How can you add more “zest” or zeal to your spiritual journey and daily life?  

2. In what ways have you been actively preparing for Christ’s return?

Morning Prayer  

Dear Lord, thank You for the blessed hope of Your return. Fill our hearts with a zestful anticipation, that we may live with purpose and passion. Let our lives be a reflection of Your love, and may we eagerly await Your glorious coming. Amen.

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