August 26 - Titus 3:1-2

August 26 - Titus 3:1-2

"Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone."

As we step into our kitchens, a space where we nourish our bodies and create delicious meals, let us also consider how we can extend that same spirit of nourishment and goodness to the world around us. In today's verse, Paul reminds us of the qualities we are called to exhibit as followers of Christ. These qualities are not limited to our kitchen counters; they are meant to overflow into every aspect of our lives, including our interactions with rulers, authorities, and everyone we encounter.

Obedience is an essential aspect of our faith journey. Just as we follow recipes step by step to achieve a desired outcome, we are called to be subject to rulers and authorities. This doesn't mean blind compliance, but rather a willingness to respect and submit to the God-given order of authority. By doing so, we reflect Christ's humility and set an example for others.

Being ready to do whatever is good is another characteristic of a Christ-centered life. In our kitchens, we strive to create dishes that are not only tasty but also nutritious. Similarly, in our communities, we should be prepared to offer goodness, kindness, and love to those around us. This may involve acts of service, extending a helping hand, or simply being present for someone in need.

Slander is a destructive force that can poison relationships and communities. Just as we carefully measure our ingredients to ensure a balanced and harmonious flavor, we must also be mindful of our words. Let our speech in the kitchen and beyond be seasoned with grace, compassion, and encouragement. Instead of tearing others down, let us build them up, celebrating their unique gifts and contributions.

The kitchen is a place where we often find solace and peace. Likewise, as followers of Christ, we are called to be peaceable and considerate. In a world filled with discord and strife, let our lives be characterized by harmony and understanding. Let us be peacemakers, seeking reconciliation and unity wherever we go.

Finally, let gentleness be the foundation of all our actions. Just as we handle delicate ingredients with care, let us handle people with the same tenderness. Our interactions should be marked by gentleness and respect, recognizing the inherent dignity and worth of every individual.


  1. How can you extend the qualities of obedience, goodness, peace, and gentleness from your kitchen to your interactions with others?
  2. Are there any areas in your life where you struggle to exhibit these qualities? How can you invite God to help you grow in those areas?


Heavenly Father, as we stand in our kitchens, we are reminded of the incredible opportunity we have to reflect Your love and grace. Help us to be obedient to the authorities in our lives, ready to do good, and gentle towards everyone we encounter. May our words and actions be seasoned with Your wisdom and grace, that we may bring peace and nourishment to those around us. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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