December 8th: Tasting and Adjusting

December 8th: Tasting and Adjusting

2 Peter 3:14 - "Therefore, beloved, since you are waiting for these, be diligent to be found by him without spot or blemish, and at peace."

Our journey with God is not static. As we progress, tasting and adjusting becomes essential. This spiritual fine-tuning ensures that we remain aligned with God's will, making necessary amendments and seeking His guidance.

The aim is simple – to stand before God, pure, without blemish, and radiating His peace. As we wait for His promises and return, this constant calibration keeps our journey on the right path.

Reflection Questions

1. What areas in my life need adjustments to align better with God's will?

2. How often do I take the time to introspect and realign my actions and thoughts?

Morning Prayer 

Heavenly Father, as I journey with You, grant me the wisdom to taste and adjust, ensuring my life resonates with Your divine will. Keep me without spot or blemish, always at peace in Your embrace. Amen.

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