December 17th: Perfecting the Technique

December 17th: Perfecting the Technique

Hebrews 12:1 - "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."

In the world of culinary arts, mastering a technique often involves shedding bad habits and refining skills. In our spiritual walk, it's much the same. The journey of faith demands continuous growth, shedding weights and sins that hinder our progress, and embracing God's ways with perseverance.

The "cloud of witnesses" mentioned refers to the many believers who have gone before us, leaving legacies of faith and endurance. Their lives are testimonies, encouraging us to persist in our journey, overcoming challenges, and pressing on towards the finish line.

Sin and distractions are like cumbersome attire that burdens a runner. To run efficiently and effectively, one must be free of such weights. Spiritual weights could range from unhealthy habits, negative influences, or even past regrets. By identifying and discarding these, we can run our race with renewed focus and vigor.

The journey is long, and the terrain can sometimes be rough. But with our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, and with our technique continuously refined, we can run with confidence, eagerly anticipating the reward that awaits at the finish line.

Reflection Questions  

1. What weights or entanglements are currently hindering your spiritual journey?  

2. How can you seek God's strength and guidance in shedding these weights?

Morning Prayer  

Father, I desire to run my race with perseverance and focus. Help me identify and discard any weights holding me back. I fix my eyes on You, seeking Your guidance and strength as I press on toward the prize of Your high calling. Amen.

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